Friday, January 30, 2009

रिपोर्ट ; सरकार मान्दैन जनता जान्दैन

अधिकांश भुटानी शरणार्थी नेपालकै मानिस हुन् भन्ने थिम्पूका सर्वसाधारणदेखि प्रधानमन्त्रीसम्मको भनाइ विपरीत शरणार्थीका हातहातमा भुटानी नागरिकता र जग्गाको तिरो तिरेको रसिद देखिन्थ्यो। थिम्पू र झापाबाट फर्केर ईश्वर रौनियार ले तयार पारेको रिपोर्ट ईश्वर रौनियार भुटानका नयाँ राजा जिग्मे केशर नामगेल वान्चुकको २० कात्तिक २०६५ मा थिम्पूमा गरिएको राज्यारोहण समारोहपारोस्थित भुटानको एकमात्र विमानस्थलमा र्झ्दा चारैतिर देखिएका सुन्दर पहाड र सेताम्मे हिउँले ढाकिएका हिमालले नेपालमै छु कि भन्ने भान गराइरहेको थियो। औपचारिक प्रक्रिया पुर्‍याएर हामी राजधानी थिम्पूतिर लाग्यौं। “यहाँ त आन्दोलन, बन्द भएको मलाई थाहा नै छैन”, मलाई नेपाली भनेर चिनेका चालक सिथार छिरिङ्गले यात्राको क्रममा कुराकानीको सुरुआत गर्दै भने, “नेपालमा त धेरै आन्दोलन भएको सुन्छौं र टिभीमा पनि हेर्छौं। साह्रै अचम्म लाग्छ, आन्दोलनमा सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति तोडफोड गरेको देख्दा। आखिर ती सम्पत्ति नेपालीकै त हुन् नि, होइन र?” बोल्नु केही थिएन, बोलिनँ। “नेपाली मूलका भुटानीहरूलाई यहाँबाट किन खेदिएको?” केहीबेरको मौनतापछि अकस्मात् मैले सोधेको यो प्रश्नले सिथारलाई अप्ठेरो पार्‍यो। उनलाई जे जानकारी गराइएको थियो त्यही भने, “ती भुटानी थिएनन्, आतङ्ककारी थिए। तिनलाई भुटानको शान्ति मन पर्दैनथ्यो।” यात्रा अवधिभर पूर्वी नेपालका शरणार्थीहरू भुटानी हुन् भनेर मान्न उनी तयार भएनन्। भुटानका नयाँ राजा जिग्मे केशर नामगेल वान्चुकको राज्यारोहणबारे समाचार सङ्कलन गर्न बीबीसी विश्व सेवाका नेपाल सम्वाददाता चार्ल्स ह्याभिल्याण्डसँगै म २० कात्तिक २०६५ मा त्यहाँ पुगेको थिएँ। राजधानी थिम्पू बेहुली जस्तै सिँगारिएको थियो। पुगेकै रात रात्रिभोजमा डिचेन डोल्मा नाम गरेकी एक युवती नजिकिइन् र निकै सहयोगी जस्तो पनि देखिइन्। भोलिपल्ट स्थलगत समाचार सङ्कलनको क्रममा चार्ल्सले “नयाँ राजाका लागि देशका विभिन्न चुनौतीसँगै भुटानी शरणार्थी समस्या समाधान पनि एउटा चुनौती हो” के भनेका थिए, भुटानी साथीहरूको हामीप्रतिको दृष्टिकोणमै परिवर्तन भयो। अघिल्लो दिन नजिकिएकी डिचेन भोलिपल्ट चार्ल्सको नामै सुन्न नचाहने भइन्। फर्कंदासम्म पनि भुटानी साथीहरूको हामीप्रतिको मनोभावनामा परिवर्तन आएन। झापाको गोलधापस्थित भुटानी शरणार्थी शिविर।वास्तविकताको जानकारी नभएका सिथार, डिचेनलगायतका भुटानीहरूबाट व्यक्त प्रतिक्रिया अस्वाभाविक थिएन। सिङ्गो भुटानले शरणार्थी समस्याका बारेमा त्यति नै कुरा थाहा पाएको छ, जति सरकारी मुखपत्र कुन्सेल ले लेख्छ वा सरकारी रेडियो र टेलिभिजनले सुनाउँछन्-देखाउँछन्। बाहिरका सञ्चारमाध्यममा आउने कुरा तिनले पढ्न, सुन्न र बुझन पाएकै हुँदैनन्। नेपाली मूलका भुटानीलाई खेद्न शुरु गरिएको सन् १९९० को दशकदेखि नै भुटानमा न बाहिरी पत्रकारहरूलाई प्रवेश दिइएको थियो, न बाहिरिया सञ्चारमाध्यमसम्म आम भुटानीको पहुँच हुन दिइएको थियो। भुटान बसाइँकै क्रममा भेटिएका एक परराष्ट्र अधिकारीले मलाई सोधे, “आप दूरदर्शन से है?” थिम्पू टेकेदेखि नै मैले यही प्रश्न सुन्दै आएको थिएँ। “होइन, म बीबीसीबाट” हाँस्दै नेपालीमा भनें। “ए, तपाईं नेपाली” भन्दै म नजिकै आएर उनले सोधे, “तपाईंहरूले बीबीसीको रिपोर्टमा पनि उल्लेख गर्नुभएको झ्ापा वरपर बसेका भुटानी शरणार्थी भनाउँदाहरूलाई कसरी हेर्नुहुन्छ?” मैले आफैं त गरिब मुलुक त्यसमाथि शरणार्थी, यो नेपालका लागि ठूलै समस्या बनेको छ भन्ने प्रतिक्रिया जनाउँदै “अब नयाँ राजाले केही त गर्लान् नि” मात्रै के भनेको थिएँ उनले एक्कासि आक्रामक हुँदै भने, “तपार्इंलाई आफ्नै देशका मान्छे पनि समस्या लागे हगि!” “मतलब?” मेरो छोटो प्रश्नको जवाफमा उनले भने, “ती सबै नेपाली हुन्। काम गर्नुपर्दैन, भत्ता पाइन्छ भनेर वरपरका मानिसहरू शिविरभित्र बसेका हुन्। यहाँबाट गएका त बढीमा सय जना पनि छैनन्।” मैले उनीहरू सबैसँग भुटानी नागरिकता छ नि भनेर प्रतिवाद गरेपछि चाहिँ उनी “खोई कहाँबाट ल्याए नागरिकता!” भन्दै तर्किए र अरू प्रश्न सोध्नु अगावै पछि भेटौंला भनेर हिँडे। परराष्ट्र अधिकृतको भनाइ र सिथार, डिचेनलगायतको बुझ्ाइले सोच्न बाध्य पार्‍यो, के आम भुटानीको बुझाइ पनि यिनकै जस्तो हो। पछि मैले जतिलाई भेटें सबैमा करिब करिब त्यस्तै दृष्टिकोण पाएँ। भनेपछि, के त अब पूर्वी नेपालमा बस्दै आएका भुटानी शरणार्थीहरू कहिल्यै स्वदेश फर्कन पाउँदैनन्? यो प्रश्न हामीले कार्यवाहक प्रधानमन्त्री यसी जिम्बालाई सोध्यौं। उनले भने, “ती सबै भुटानी होइनन्, बढीमा तीन-चार हजार छन्। यदि फर्कन योग्य रहेछन् भने हामी आवश्यक प्रक्रिया पुर्‍याएर ल्याउँछौं।” त्यहाँ त एक लाख सात हजारको तथ्याङ्क छ नि प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यू भन्ने हाम्रो प्रश्नमा प्रम जिम्बाको जवाफ ती परराष्ट्र अधिकारीको भन्दा फरक थिएन। थिम्पूका सर्वसाधारण हुन् वा उच्चपदस्थ प्रशासनिक अधिकारी तथा राजनीतिक नेता, सबैको जवाफ एउटै पाइयो, “शिविरका अधिकांश नेपाली र केही मात्र वास्तविक भुटानी शरणार्थी हुन्। तिनै पनि खेदिएका होइनन्, स्वेच्छाले देश छोडेर गएका।” डुक्पा मूलका मात्र होइन, थिम्पू र आसपासका नेपाली मूलका भुटानीहरूको पनि शरणार्थीप्रति सद्भाव देखिएन। बरु तिनको भनाइ थियो, “शरणार्थीहरूको आन्दोलनले हाम्रो जीवनमा असर पारेको छ।” भुटानमा बस्दै आएका नेपाली मूलका भुटानीहरूको अवस्थाबारे चालक सिथारले सुनाएको एउटा प्रसङ्ग उल्लेखनीय छ। कोही आफन्त नेपालको शिविरमा भएको थाहा भएपछि १० कक्षामा भुटान प्रथम भएको उनको एउटा साथी सरकारबाट क्लियरेन्स लेटर नपाएर भारतमा छात्रवृत्तिमा पढ्न पाउने अवसरबाट वञ्चित भयो। सिथारको साथीको जस्तो नियति थुप्रै नेपाली मूलका भुटानीहरूले व्यहोर्दै आएको कुन्सेल का सम्पादक किन्ले दोर्जे पनि बताउँछन्। सम्पादक दोर्जे भन्छन्, “नेपालका शिविरहरूबाट सशस्त्र आन्दोलन गर्ने समूहसँग भुटानी सरकार त्रसित रहेकोले शरणार्थीहरूलाई भुटान फर्काउने सम्भावना कम छ।” हामीले सम्प्रेषण गरेको समाचारमा शरणार्थी समस्या उल्लेख भएको कारण भुटानको १० दिने बसाइँको अन्तिम रात कुटौँला झै गरी केही भुटानीले गरेको दुर्व्यवहार व्यहोर्दै हामी लाग्यौं पूर्वी नेपालस्थित शरणार्थी शिविरहरूतर्फ, जहाँको कथा थिम्पूको बुझाइभन्दा ठीक उल्टो थियो। त्यहाँ सबैका हातमा भुटानी नागरिकता र जग्गाको कर तिरेको रसिद थियो। थिएन त केवल भुटान फर्किन पाउने विश्वास।

यसी जिम्बा तेस्रो मुलक जान पाउने भएर रमाएका युवा शरणार्थीहरूले भुटानलाई लगभग बिर्सिसकेका छन्। अमेरिका उड्ने तयारीमा रहेका विष्णु द्यौराली भन्छन्, “हामीले फर्कने आशा मारिसक्यौं। अब राम्रो भविष्यका लागि अमेरिका जाँदैछौं। विश्वास छ त्यहाँ राम्रो हुनेछ।” सँगै जान लागेका उनका ५७ वर्षीय पिता भने अमेरिका प्रस्थानबाट खुशी थिएनन्। उनी भुटान नै फर्किन पाए हुन्थ्यो भन्ने आफ्नो सपना यत्रो वर्षसम्म पनि विपनामा परिणत नभएपछि छोराहरूसँगै अमेरिका जान बाध्य भएका थिए। भन्दै थिए, “के गर्ने, भुटान फर्कन नपाएपछि छोराहरूको भविष्यका लागि त्यतै (अमेरिका) भए पनि जानु पर्‍यो।” ३० कात्तिकमा हामी भद्रपुर विमानस्थल पुग्दा अमेरिकाका लागि काठमाडौं उड्न तयार द्यौरालीसहित केही शरणार्थीहरू अन्योल र रोदन मिसिएको अनुहारमा आफन्तहरूसँग बिदावारी हुँदैथिए। आफन्तलाई आश्वस्त बनाउन खोजिरहेका बुद्धमणि घिमिरे आफैं रुँदै भन्दैथिए, “भिनाजु, डन्ट वरी! तपाईंहरूको पनि पालो आउँछ। हामी त्यहाँ पुगेर बस्ने व्यवस्था मिलाउँदै गर्छ म पुग्नेवित्तिकै हजुरलाई फोन गर्छु। यता दिदीको राम्रो ख्याल गर्नुहोला।” अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय आप्रवासी सङ्गठन (आई'एम)को प्रयासमा पूर्वी नेपालका सात वटा शिविरमा बसेका भुटानी शरणार्थीलाई तेस्रो मुलुकमा बसोबासको प्रबन्ध मिलाइँदैछ। फागुन २०६४ देखि शुरु भएको तेस्रो मुलुक आप्रवासन कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत सन् २००८ को अन्त्यसम्ममा आठ हजार भुटानी शरणार्थी अमेरिका, क्यानाडा, नर्वे, अष्ट्रेलिया, डेनमार्क, नेदरल्याण्ड्स, जर्मनीलगायतका मुलुकमा पुगिसकेका छन्। र, जाने क्रम जारी छ। भुटानी शरणार्थी शिविर, गोलधाप, झापामा बस्दै आएको महानन्द लुइँटेलको परिवार ।गोलधाप शिविरमा बसिरहेको महानन्द लुइँटेलको परिवार पनि अरू धेरै भुटानी शरणार्थी परिवार झ्ैं अमेरिका उड्ने पालो पर्खिरहेको छ। लुइँटेलको भनाइ थियो, “तेस्रो मुलुक जानुको विकल्प भएन। बरु त्यता गयौं भने बालबच्चाको भविष्य सुदृढ होला।” तर महानन्दका बा-आमालाई भने सात समुद्रपार जान कत्ति पनि रुचि थिएन। अमेरिका जाँदै हुनुहुन्छ भनेर सोध्न नपाउँदै भक्कानिएकी आमा सुभद्रा लुइँटेल भन्न थालिन्, “जाने मन त कहाँ छ र! यत्तिका वर्षसम्म फर्कन पाइएला कि भनी पालेको झ्िनो आशा उता (अमेरिका) गएपछि त मर्ने नै भयो।” श्रीमतीलाई सम्झ्ाउँदै विद्यापति भन्दैथिए, “नगएर पनि के गर्ने! अरू छोरा, नातिनीहरू गइसके, हजुरबा कहिले आउनुहुन्छ भनेर सधैं फोन गर्छन्। त्यसैले पनि अब त जाने नै निधो गरेका हौं।” शिविरमा तेस्रो मुलुक जाँदै नजाने निर्णय गर्नेहरू पनि छन्। तिनैमध्येका एक हुन्, सङ्ग्राम (सशस्त्र सङ्घर्षमा लागेकाले वास्तविक नाम खुलाउन चाहेनन्)। आफ्नो अस्तित्वका लागि लडिरहेको र सास रहुन्जेल लडिरहने बताउँदै सङ्ग्राम भन्छन्, “हामी लडेरै आफ्नो फिर्तीका लागि भुटान सरकारलाई बाध्य गराउँछौं।”

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just Few Words

Hi All,
This is Ishwar Rauniyar in Kathmandu. I joined Kathmandu post on 24th Ashar 2066 officially. I am gonna capture all my news articles with byline and without within this blog. It would be great if you guys could drop a line regarding my works.
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Monday, January 26, 2009

Despair of WWII Gurkha 'widow'

In her old age, Shantamaya Limbu is still optimistic that she will again see her lost husband, 66 years after he went missing. Baburaja Limbu, who fought for the British in World War II in Burma, has been missing since 1942. Mrs Limbu last saw him in 1941 when he came home for 10 days' holiday. But before finishing his leave he was called back to the army for combat। His brigade went missing in Burma.
Mrs Limbu still waits for Baburaja, her eyes filled with the hope that he will return. She is not ready to accept his death. "After he had been missing for nine years I was informed that all the missing soldiers were killed. But how can I believe that when I haven't seen his dead body?"
Many Gurkha soldiers gave their lives during WW11 "At first it was so tough. All the time, his image kept dancing in front of my eyes. But now I am trying to adjust, even though my heart doesn't let me." When her husband departed, they had been married for just one year. Mrs Limbu married when she was 14. She was devoted to her husband and did not marry anyone else after he disappeared. "Although I didn't have time to get to know him properly, I loved him very much. He is my everything, so how can I marry anyone else?" Mrs Limbu is now old, nearly 81, and has no children. She didn't get much time to share and experience things with her husband. She does not remember every aspect of his behaviour from the short time they had together। But she says he was a loveable and wonderful soldier, who never drank alcohol and never smoked.
'No response'
Mrs Limbu is being paid an Indian army pension of 4,000 Nepali rupees ($63) a month. She is not satisfied. "My husband fought for the British government. At the time it was the colonial government in India, but the pension is an Indian army pension," she says. "I should be paid a British pension as it's because of Britain that my husband is missing." She has visited Indian and British government offices and met many officials from both countries, asking them to clarify her pension position and inform her of the fate of her husband. But they have not given her any response. Shantamaya Limbu lives in the Sunsari district of eastern Nepal. As she has no children or support for her old age, she is now staying with a male relative. He has no job, having returned from six years in Korea, and is now planning to go back there to earn more money. She has few other people that she can stay with. Some months ago she was honoured by the Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen's Organisation (Gaesco). It celebrates 27 November as Victory Day for Gurkhas because it was when they succeeded in forcing the British government to provide compensation for soldiers who were taken prisoner in Japan. During the celebrations she was honoured and given some money.

Pupils conquer fear of computers

By Ishwar Rauniyar BBC News in Thakalmath, Bhaktapur, Nepal The children were scared of computers at first Kamal Prasad Sharma, aged 12, a student at Saraswati Secondary School in a small village not far from Kathmandu, was afraid when he saw a computer for the first time. He didn't dare enter the room, thinking the computer would harm him. "I was really scared when I saw the computer," he says. "I didn't go near it. I was worried it might explode and kill me. "It was only when the teacher called me saying it was harmless that I went into the room, but I still hesitated." Things have changed now, he adds.
Games and fun
"I'm feeling much better. The E-library has helped with my studies. "We can see the periodic table of science, and also maps and other geography things in a pictorial way that is easy to understand. It's not only that - we can also play games and have fun." Kamal says his parents were very excited when he told them about the computer and came to watch the very next day. It was not only Kamal. His computer teacher, Shankar Prajapati, says all the pupils were afraid. "They all worried they would catch some virus and fall ill or even die. But now they are familiar with computers," he says. "Even we teachers are gaining knowledge from the E-library. It's really helpful for us, too. "The students can see science experiments carried out on screen and search for whatever they want in the encyclopaedia." E-libraries use audio, video and text technology। Their digital "books" cover various topics of the school syllabus, ranging from social science to literature and from mathematics to science.
Computer awareness
The E-library concept was initiated by Help Nepal Network (HeNN), a non-governmental organisation. Its goals are to provide literacy and awareness about the use of computer and information technology, and to set up one E-library in each of Nepal's 75 districts, which range from the high Himalayas to the hot plains. The Help Nepal Network hopes to reach all 75 districts in timeMuch of the country is remote and accessible only on foot, and many of its people have never glimpsed a computer, let alone touched one. Working with other organisations, including Save the Children-Norway, HeNN is setting up the libraries with the use of what is called the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP). This is a free and open-source (accessible to everyone) package which connects one powerful central server in the school, using the Linux operating system, to a number of diskless low-end computers. When linked to the server, each computer receives a full Linux desktop. LTSP is seen as a cost-effective, power-saving and durable technology, not only in schools but also in other sectors. What's more, it is also virtually free of tampering and computer viruses - and the Linux software developed by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, a charitable educational library based in Kathmandu, is being provided free of cost. And its appeal is growing. In front of the little shops on the rough village streets, men gather to play cards and drink tea. But even they have developed a fascination for the computer. So the school has arranged some computer classes for them, too. "It's really useful for us to get to know about this technology which we didn't see when we were younger," says Sahakul Puri, a 35-year-old farmer. "Getting to learn and know about it is a great opportunity for our children. I can't afford to send my child to computer classes an hour's drive from here. So we're grateful for this project." Of the books scanned in the E-library, one of the most popular among the villagers is called "where there is no doctor". It is like a first-aid manual, giving the information necessary for the treatment of wounds or illnesses – including traditional remedies such as chewing burnt ginger or brewing ginger soup with honey for a cough. The school has even attracted lots of villagers to its campaign known as "Leave Your Playing Cards - Learn Computers". Reaching remote areas I also visited a much more remote school where the E-library project has just been set up. Villagers and students carried the computers up and down the steep hills and valleys to the Shree Koldung Devi secondary school, nearly two hours' walk from the main road. Before this, anyone wanting access to computers or sizeable shops would have to walk two hours and drive two more, so the system has proved highly significant for local pupils. Most of the places where E-libraries have been set up so far are in the hills. Sudarshan Shrestha, information and marketing director for Save the Children-Norway, says the system has been very helpful but notes that there are challenges. He says students tend to get only about two hours' access per week "because there are not more than 10 computers for several hundred students". For the library, Save The Children-Norway has developed awareness materials on subjects such as children's rights and child abuses. Roshendra Dhoj Khadka of Help Nepal Network is very optimistic about the E-library project. "I believe this information and communication technology project is essential. It may not be a basic requirement, but it's a tool to uplift the health and education sectors. And we're taking it forward. I hope we'll be able to cover all 75 districts some day." So far it has reached six.